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AJ Interviews! (By Waffles :D)

Hey Jammers! Welcome to AJ Interviews, where you get to know more about a jammer.

Today, I interveiwed jamil1212, or Infinity Speedyninja. This Jammer is interesting! Here's our conversation:

Little: Why do you want to be on this blog?

Infinity: well.......... I'm not so sure? I just want to be on it.

Little: Just for the heck of it, right?

Infinity: it's a weird reason

Little: I understand

Infinity: Pretty much

Little: lol! so tell me about yourself

Infinity: I play basketball and swimming, I play piano and I like to sing

Little: Very interesting! Anything you like to do on AJ?

Infinity: Talk to other people around the world, change myself.

Little: Do you like to play games? Like Best Dressed?

Infinity: No, I LOVE!

Little: So that just wraps everything up. Thanks!

Infinity: ok

So that was our convo. As you can see, Infinity is a really interesting jammer!

Did you like this interview? Do you want to be interviewed? If you like it, please comment! If you want to be interviewed, look around for me dancing and saying, "Are you Rare? Are you Cool? Are you Fun? Then go to my Den for an interview for a blog!

Thanks for Reading! :D

Your fellow Jammer,

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